Whether you are a new agent or not, one thing is true, real estate is constantly changing and evolving. With the widespread growth and reach of social media, it plays a massive role in today’s real estate market. Social media provides constant connections, content, and commerce. Building and maintaining social media platforms is a surefire way to keep up with real estate's continuous changes and keep a pulse on pop culture and trends.  


Here are five ways social media benefits real estate:  


Social Media Diversifies Marketing Efforts 

  • Utilizing social media connects you with clients you might have yet to meet using traditional marketing methods. Keeping a consistent posting schedule will allow potential clients to see listings in real time and will enable clients to see the people behind the business.  

  • Highlighting client stories on your social channels will also drive engagement and pique future client’s interests.  

Social Media Creates a Broader Network 

  • Being active on all social media channels can help you create an extensive network of clients, mentors, and other agents. Asking followers to share and engage with your content will only expand your digital thumbprint.  

Social Media Boosts Web Traffic 

  • Sharing videos, blog posts, and photographs will drive traffic to a real estate agency’s website. Social media creates interaction and connects with individuals or organizations. Engaged and excited followers will willingly share your content and the agency’s content with their audience.  

Social Media Offers Better Return On Investment 

  • Social media campaigns are usually more cost-effective than traditional print marketing campaigns. Print ads have the potential to reach a broad audience, but they will most likely go unread or ignored. 

  • Targeted ads and boosted posts on socials are more likely to reach a highly interested audience. Though the overall audience reach may be smaller, these ads are more likely to gain traction and clicks.   

Social Media Builds Brand Reputation and Trust 

  • Social media allows agents and real estate agencies to showcase their successes and establish trustworthy and authoritative brands. Agents can utilize social media to position themselves as experts in the industry. 

  • Real estate agents and businesses can increase their social media presence by providing followers with high-quality, insightful content that followers will find worthy. Keeping followers engaged will garner trust in the brand, and they will look forward to new content. 


At LRG, we are committed to helping our agents WIN! If you want to step up your social media game, check out our new LRG podcast & video studio! Our studio is equipped with everything you need to elevate your continent. We offer professional lighting, an easy-to-use high-quality Canon camera, microphones, and more.  

If you're interested in where you can find us online, follow us and message us on Instagram and Facebook! Also, check out our TikTok! Social media not your thing? Contact us at 210-879-8220 or message us on our website.  

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