Casey Coltrane

Casey Coltrane

Licensing: 791580

Casey Coltrane is Realtor serving both the Austin and San Antonio metropolitan areas.

She is native to San Antonio and has lived in Austin for the last 10 years. It is her goal to help you find the home of your dreams and negotiate the best deal for all of her clients!

In addition to her experience in the Real Estate Industry for the past 2 years, she has been an Interior Decorator for the past 7 years. Having an eye for design is something Casey is truly passionate about and will be happy to apply her skill set throughout both buying, selling your home.

Outside of working you may find her exploring new Austin restaurants, swimming in Barton Springs, and making floral arrangements.

Casey is dedicated as your future agent to provide value and excellent service to your experience whether that is buying, selling, leasing or investing.

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