Michele Gammel started her Real Estate Career in 2008. A time when it was tough to be a REALTOR anywhere in the US. Her tenacity and drive to provide top notch service to her clients paved the way for her success. After years of working as a solo Agent, she met Levi Rodgers when he first hit the Real Estate scene. He was a natural and she was very drawn to his charismatic personality and in awe of his early success. After much pursuit on Michele’s part, she convinced Levi to give her a shot at working with him and that was the beginning of the Levi Rodgers Team- a company high in the rankings, and growing rapidly every day.

As the senior agent at The Levi Rodgers Group (LRG), Michele feels that buying and selling homes is a complex, sophisticated, and often deeply personal endeavor. Building the trust and confidence of each and every client is her top priority. Giving her clients the full picture, not just what they want to hear, is the key to success. Always being accessible and making sure her clients know there are never too many questions and there is never a dumb question helps clients feel confident that they will be knowledgeable throughout the entire process.

Michele was raised between city life and a 1000 acre farm and ranch and learned the meaning of “hard work” from a very young age. She carries those lessons with her in everything she does. She loves to give back to the community and especially loves children. Her background from starting to work at 17 for the County Tax Assessor to working for the Tax Appraisal District when it was first instituted in 1982 to flipping houses in the 1990’s all helped pave her success as a REALTOR in Texas. Many agents ask Michele why she joined a team rather than be a solo Agent. There is always something new and challenging coming up in Real Estate and the ability to address those situations as they arise is of the uppermost importance. There is nothing more powerful than brainstorming with such a great team!

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