Mason Fonseca

Mason Fonseca

Licensing: 817099

Mason has been a San Antonian for decades and has dedicated his life to serving others. Shaped by real estate mentors, teams, and practical experiences in family businesses, Mason brings a unique blend of insights to the world of real estate.

After graduating from Texas Military Institute, he honed himself at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in New York, where he joined the ranks of other servant leaders as a commissioned naval and licensed merchant marine officer. Traveling globally, he not only developed leadership skills but also built a successful investment property portfolio while at sea.

His passion for real estate and wanting to serve led him to become a realtor. Mason is proud to align with a team that values service, excellence, and integrity, as he commits to ensure clients win by receiving top-notch care and expertise.

What sets Mason apart is his diverse background coupled with a global perspective. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or looking for investment opportunities, he is here to make your real estate journey seamless and rewarding.

“Let's navigate the market together, ensuring your satisfaction at every step and Let's Buy Homes in Texas!”

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